Fit, Fitter, CrossFit-Chris

As the Gyms in Vienna have unlocked their doors, we can pause Pamela Reif’s workout, and finally start moving some iron again. Coming out of lock-down, is the perfect time to restart our 2020 New Years resolutions, and we may as well start with a new fitness lifestyle.

If you haven’t heard of CrossFit…then where have you been!? CrossFit is not just a fitness routine or type of workout, but rather has become a sort of lifestyle that so many people have committed to; they live for their daily WODs (workout of the day). See, they even have their own language.  They spend their days in a ‘box’, doing AMRAP, ‘cleaning’ and ‘snatching’ and finishing off with some ‘jerking’. 

CrossFit was formally established in 2000, when the first gym was opened in Santa Cruz in the sunny state of California. A former gymnast, Greg Glassman, is behind the creation of the CrossFit concept. He complained that he lacked “that feeling”, when he started bodybuilding after his gymnastics career. “That feeling” is, unfortunately, not like that blissful feeling you get after a glass of wine.  Glassman described it as: gasping for air, critical exhaustion, near-vomiting-kinda-feeling. So more similar to the: “I’ve had three bottles”-kinda-feeling.

I have in fact, courageously tried CrossFit. Why? Because the trainer was hot! Chris Benesch is a CrossFit trainer at ‘CrossFit Viertel Zwei’ and he sweet talked me into joining his ‘WOD’. I was definitely grateful to have some ‘eye-candy’ to keep my motivation up during the tough workout; I have never squatted so low in my life! 

Christ Benesch

Chris has been a CrossFit trainer for almost 3 years and for the past year, he has been pushing his own limits and has attained an impressively high fitness and skill level, allowing him to compete in competitive CrossFit events. Watching Chris in his own training, you would never guess that he underwent hip surgery only 4 years ago. Now at the age of 24, he already has the experience and knowledge of how to train safely and most importantly, he can squat and thrust again! 

CrossFit made its way to Austria about 7 years ago and has since become increasingly popular. “CrossFit is endless”, is how Chris describes what drives his passion and motivation (aside from owning a majestic set of Abs.) The aim of a ‘WOD’, is not to just “pump yourself up to look good aesthetically”, but rather to always be pushing your body to new limits in terms of fitness and learning new skills and improving the quality of movement. The ‘hot’ bodies are just a nice bonus.

Chris Benesch

Unlike many sports, CrossFit specializes in NOT specializing. A CrossFit athlete can pretty much do what a Weightlifter, Gymnast and Sprinter can do, all within one workout.  Therefore, sceptics, have labelled CrossFit as being ‘dangerous’ as the risk of injury is much higher. This is of course true, when you compare CrossFit to your average gym workout – one set of bicep curls, and two sets of Instagram scrolling. However, recent studies have shown that the injuries sustained in CrossFit athletes are very similar to those of Olympic weightlifting, Gymnastics and running. And worst case, Chris will catch the barbell before you drop it on yourself.

Chris Benesch

Chris has seen and felt the benefits of CrossFit; whether it’s his impressive ‘gains’ or being able to walk on his hands! “It’s also a pretty cool feeling to snatch/pull a bar with heavy weights above your head”. Aside from the workouts, the community within a CrossFit gym is something quite unique. In a ‘normal’ gym, you would probably be training alone – next to the guy who constantly checks his triceps in the mirror – but at a CrossFit ‘box’, everyone gets to know each other which most of the time, creates a very supportive and familiar environment.

Chris Benesch

CrossFit is only the beginning”. Chris continuously sets new goals and ambitions; not just to be able to ‘jerk’ more weight and improve his own fitness level, but also to help others achieve their goals. Chris’ aim is to always keep a balanced lifestyle; training hard but still allowing time for a social life (even if that means partying as hard as his ‘WODs’, every now and then). As a personal trainer, Chris helps his clients, to not only live a healthier lifestyle, but also to not become discouraged and blind-sighted by the Instagram fitness culture.  

Chris Benesch

Nonetheless, CrossFit is something that pushes you out of your comfort zone (Or Chris will push you out of your comfort zone).  Once you survive your first ‘WOD’, you’ll start feeling the motivational spirit of CrossFit and you will very quickly see results. And as Chris said: “Just do it” and honestly, who’s gonna argue with him?

Chris Benesch

For Personal Training or Online Coaching, contact ChrisBeFit.

Stay strong, and keep lifting. Yours Truly Xx

“Motivation is what gets you started.

Habit is what keeps you going.”

Jim Ryun

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